
Backcountry Slope Angles Survey

How do you use inclination in the mountains?

Take a few minutes to complete this survey; get 20%-off a PoleClinometer slope meter for your time!

Which best describes you?

What's the highest level of avalanche training you've received?

How recent was your last avalanche training or refresher?

Do you measure slope angles in the mountains?

What device(s) or method(s) do you use to measure slope angles?
[check all that apply]

Which "use-mode(s)" do you employ for directly measuring slope angles?
[check all that apply]

What value do you place on knowledge of slope angle when traveling in avalanche terrain?

Do you also take inclination readings for avalanche "alpha angle" or "runout angle" measurements?

What value do you place on knowledge of avalanche "alpha angle" or "runout angle" when traveling in avalanche terrain?

Any interest in learning more about using inclination as an avalanche safety tool, or participating in a controlled study to test inclinometer accuracy?

In what format(s) would you be interested in learning more or participating?
[check all that apply]

OPTIONAL: Enter your contact info to receive the monthly PoleClinometer newsletter. We'll pass along updates about new inclination and avalanche safety products/events/news/etc.