What do the different colors mean?

The PoleClinometer slope meter is color coded to help you quickly identify slope angles that are more prone to avalanche.  The color coding is described on the use page in detail.

What about wind?

Wind is not your friend in this case. You won’t get a good reading from your PoleClinometer slope meter if the wind is blowing your pole around. If you take a lot of slope readings from windy ridgetops, you’ll probably want a second form of inclinometer with you (see above). But PoleClinometer will still be … Continue Reading ››

But I already have an inclinometer!

The real beauty of the PoleClinometer slope meter is it’s so quick and easy. No stopping to dig through pockets for your device. Your pole is always in your hand. Just dangle it, and sight your slope angle! You can literally take measurements in the skintrack at a moment’s notice without even breaking stride. Most … Continue Reading ››

How accurate is it?

If you take a little time with a measurement, you should be able to get a reading within about 2 degrees of actual slope angle. For super quick “on the fly” measurements, probably within 3 to 5 degrees is more realistic. Bottom line: It’s at least as accurate as the average pocket inclinometer or inclinometer-equipped … Continue Reading ››

Will this keep me safe in the backcountry?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Only YOU can do that, with a combination of good education, good local knowledge, and good decision making. Slope angle is only one piece of the puzzle. Take a sanctioned Level 1 avalanche course to get started, and approach the backcountry conservatively.